Planning and Zoning Personnel

Planning and Zoning Personnel

The Planning and Zoning functions of the Township of Ocean are a part of the Department of Community Development. The  employees of this division are:

Colleen Mayer
Planning Administrator
732-531-5000 extension 3350

Land Use Assistant
732-531-5000 extension 3352

Kate Maloney
Zoning Officer
732-531-5000 extension 3357

Nicole Acri
Planning Board Secretary
Board of Adjustment Secretary
732-531-5000 extension 3351

 Bill Brooks
Tree Ordinance Enforcement
732-531-5000 extension 3386

 Bill Dangler
Zoning Ordinance Enforcement
732-531-5000 extension 3385

Colleen Mayer, Planning Administrator, is responsible for the day-to-day operations of Planning and Zoning in addition to serving as the Administrative Officer for the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment.

 Land Use Assistant, is responsible for assisting the Director of Community Development in a variety of tasks and special assignments. She also processes variance applications and assists in the preparation of various annual reports.

Kate Maloney, Zoning Officer, is charged with the responsibility of enforcing the Land Development Ordinance of the Township of Ocean. In this capacity she reviews applications for construction permits and responds to zoning questions and complaints.

Nicole Acri, Secretary to the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment, performs the clerical duties within the division in addition to serving as recording secretary for the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment.