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Township Clerk

The position of Municipal Clerk is required by New Jersey law (N.J.S.A. 40A:9-133). In New Jersey, the Municipal Clerk must possess their Registered Municipal Clerk (RMC) designation, which is obtained by taking five courses through Rutgers University and passing an examination given by the State of New Jersey, Department of Community Affairs.

Contact Information
399 Monmouth Road
Oakhurst, New Jersey 07755
(732) 531-5000

Jessie M. Joseph, RMC/CMC/CMR
Township Clerk
Ext. 3321

Amy Stewart
Deputy Township Clerk
Ext. 3322

The Municipal Clerk, regardless of the form of government, is charged with the following statutory duties:

  • Secretary to the Governing Body
  • Secretary to the Municipal Corporation
  • Election Administrator
  • Chief Registrar of Voters
  • Custodian of the Municipal Seal
  • Records Custodian

Additionally, the Municipal Clerk’s Office is also responsible for a myriad of ancillary duties, including:

  • Registrar of Vital Statistics
  • Legalized Games of Chance, including raffle and bingo licensing
  • Maintenance of all Township Ordinances, Resolutions, and Minutes
  • Alcoholic Beverage Control licensing
  • Landlord Registration
  • Assessment Searches
  • Issuance of various licenses including taxicabs and solicitors

To get a document NOTARIZED - the following documents are required:

  • Valid Proof of Identification
  • UNSIGNED and completed document needing notorization.  Documents that are incomplete and/or have blanks in them CANNOT be notarized.The charge for this service is $2.50 per document/notarization


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